Sunday, July 24, 2011

Soul Food

An intimate relationship with GOD through CHRIST JESUS is the most important relationship you or I will ever have. Recently I decided to take a break from Soul Couture to spend more time developing my relationship with Christ.  What was once a hobby started to consume me and before I knew it I was spending more and more time researching ways I can improve Soul Couture and spending less and less time studying the word of GOD and I started to feel disconnected and alone.  God has been really good to me and I know that it is only because of his grace and the nudging of the Holy Spirit that I was able to regroup and focus on what's really important to me and that's continuously building my relationship with Christ. Soul Couture is important to me but not nearly as important as my relationship with my heavenly father. I want to share a devotional I ran across a few weeks ago written by Charles Stanley. It was no accident that I found this devotional titled "A Thirst For God” sitting in my inbox. I hope it touches your life.

A personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ has the potential to be more intimately satisfying than any earthly connection. King David recorded his experience in Psalm 63. Our heavenly Father wants to have a loving bond with us just as He did with David.
Making a firm commitment to know Him is the first step, which takes priority above all other matters. David described his passion to know God as an intense thirst (v. 1); the apostle Paul likened his dedication in pursuing the Lord to a race (Heb. 12:1-2). When we pledge ourselves to the lordship of Christ and seek after Him with our hearts and minds, we will find our souls becoming satisfied.
Once we resolve to follow diligently after the Lord, our next step is to spend time in His Word. The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His plan for the world. Making time to read and meditate on Scripture is essential for every believer. That’s how we learn who God is, how He works, and what He desires for us and for the body of Christ. When we strive to know and understand a biblical passage, the Holy Spirit will make the meaning spring to life. God is pleased by followers who make it their goal to deepen their relationship with Him.
Dedicating time to knowing and experiencing God is a critical step toward a satisfying walk with Him. Begin today by making a pledge to pursue Him more diligently and taking time in your schedule for regular study and prayer. Your heavenly Father is waiting to meet with you.

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